Thursday 6 July 2017


ASSALAMUALAIKUM awak2 semuaa. heheh

im very excited today,because my product is already done! yippiii.. fuhhh  ðŸ˜—😇😇

let me give an introduction on my innovative product. 

i made a pocket using the zip and side decoration at the songkok. 
at the name, i handmade using hand embroidery technique.

the advantage of this product is, the kids can put the money inside the pocket.
beside of that, it not easy to change with other because it has a name.


Sunday 25 June 2017


assalamualaikum guysss..

hye uols.. haha

today, i want to show all of u the next step on make the pocket.

First, i make a name sticth by hndmade using the hand embroidery technique.

after that, i sew the zip together with the side decoration. then, i glue it the pocket to the songkok and sew it again at the bottom to seal the pocket.

tadaaaaa. here it is. the pocket almost done!

Thursday 22 June 2017



today i want to share you the materials to make a pockets at the songkok.

FISRTLY, we musttt have the zip. i use the invisible zip.
 i use this zip because it cant be seen from the outside 

SECONDLY, i use the side decoration that usually wear at the songkok in the past. 

if i dont have this two items, i cant make the pocket at the songkok. hehe

my idea on this project is, i want to make a pocket at the songkok. 
 see yaa in the next post on how i make the pocket. 

assalamualaikum 😗😗  

Friday 2 June 2017

VISITING TIME.............

Assalamualaikum guys..
hai, lama dah tak update blog nie. 

last week, i have a Gawai Break. UiTM gives us for a week break. 
so i go back to hometown.

while at the hometown, i visited my organization shop to buy the songkok. 
i just buy it because there is no production.
 Actually, Encik Shah making the songkok at his house. 

i visited the shop at the night because i go to the Giant near the Encik Shah's shop.

cleaning process using the brush...

the product that released by Encik Shah...

at Encik Shah's shop, there also sell the kain batik and kain pelikat.

okeyyy daaaa

see u next post 😀😀

Monday 8 May 2017



Today i want to show u my organization creative board.

this creative board is all about my organization.

it is just simple creative board with 2D pictures and 3D songkok that i made. cute kannn?? hahaha

Saturday 6 May 2017



how are u guys? if not feel well go to hospital laa.. haha 😂😂

lek luuu....
 as usual, i want to show u the products that my organization do..hehe

this is one of famous songkok in Johor. they call it 'Songkok Tinggi Johor'.

this is sample product for kids' songkok.

my organization also make a custom made by customers. this is one of the example.

Thursday 4 May 2017



today i want to share with u'olls my idea for the innovation of songkok.

 I have choose to make an innovation on songkok for the kids.

this pictures is some example of songkok wears by kids.

the songkok is too command and without any decorative.

so,my idea is to make the songkok more to interesting.hehe

see u soon guys.