Thursday 6 July 2017


ASSALAMUALAIKUM awak2 semuaa. heheh

im very excited today,because my product is already done! yippiii.. fuhhh  πŸ˜—πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡

let me give an introduction on my innovative product. 

i made a pocket using the zip and side decoration at the songkok. 
at the name, i handmade using hand embroidery technique.

the advantage of this product is, the kids can put the money inside the pocket.
beside of that, it not easy to change with other because it has a name.


Sunday 25 June 2017


assalamualaikum guysss..

hye uols.. haha

today, i want to show all of u the next step on make the pocket.

First, i make a name sticth by hndmade using the hand embroidery technique.

after that, i sew the zip together with the side decoration. then, i glue it the pocket to the songkok and sew it again at the bottom to seal the pocket.

tadaaaaa. here it is. the pocket almost done!

Thursday 22 June 2017



today i want to share you the materials to make a pockets at the songkok.

FISRTLY, we musttt have the zip. i use the invisible zip.
 i use this zip because it cant be seen from the outside 

SECONDLY, i use the side decoration that usually wear at the songkok in the past. 

if i dont have this two items, i cant make the pocket at the songkok. hehe

my idea on this project is, i want to make a pocket at the songkok. 
 see yaa in the next post on how i make the pocket. 

assalamualaikum πŸ˜—πŸ˜—  

Friday 2 June 2017

VISITING TIME.............

Assalamualaikum guys..
hai, lama dah tak update blog nie. 

last week, i have a Gawai Break. UiTM gives us for a week break. 
so i go back to hometown.

while at the hometown, i visited my organization shop to buy the songkok. 
i just buy it because there is no production.
 Actually, Encik Shah making the songkok at his house. 

i visited the shop at the night because i go to the Giant near the Encik Shah's shop.

cleaning process using the brush...

the product that released by Encik Shah...

at Encik Shah's shop, there also sell the kain batik and kain pelikat.

okeyyy daaaa

see u next post πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

Monday 8 May 2017



Today i want to show u my organization creative board.

this creative board is all about my organization.

it is just simple creative board with 2D pictures and 3D songkok that i made. cute kannn?? hahaha

Saturday 6 May 2017



how are u guys? if not feel well go to hospital laa.. haha πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

lek luuu....
 as usual, i want to show u the products that my organization do..hehe

this is one of famous songkok in Johor. they call it 'Songkok Tinggi Johor'.

this is sample product for kids' songkok.

my organization also make a custom made by customers. this is one of the example.

Thursday 4 May 2017



today i want to share with u'olls my idea for the innovation of songkok.

 I have choose to make an innovation on songkok for the kids.

this pictures is some example of songkok wears by kids.

the songkok is too command and without any decorative.

so,my idea is to make the songkok more to interesting.hehe

see u soon guys.

Wednesday 3 May 2017



i have a sad story guys..huaaaaa😒😒 this is because I change my organization again.
This is caused by certain factors.

so i choose 'kedai Songkok Tinggi Johor' located at Muar,Johor as my new organization.

so, this is the small shop that they make songkok.

the manager was name En Shah, age 54 years old.

so, stay tuned guys what i've want to do.

Saturday 22 April 2017



how are you guys? long time i didn't updated this blog.. heheh

for this post, i want to show u the process to make songkok with Encik Sharial.

this is the first step. start with cutting the pattern of songkok.

after that, Encik Sharial sewn the straight pieces to make a base songkok.

then, Encik Sharial cut the pieces of pattern into a oval shape for the top of songkok.

and then, he combine the top of songkok to the base of songkok.

when the body of songkok is done, Encik Sharial cut the balck velvet
 to cover all the songkok.

this is the process to cut the velvet fabric.

the lastttt step is to make two holes on the top of songkok. and it done!

such as amazing process you know!! 😱😱

okeyyy guys. that all for today. see u in the next post.


Saturday 15 April 2017


Assalamualaikum 😁

hye uols. today i want to share with u the material to make songkok.

penukul ni untuk menukul penebuk lubang

this is the balck velvet for cover the songkok

this is puncher for make a hole at the top of songkok

scissors for cutting the songkok pattern


Sunday 9 April 2017



haiii.. jumpa lagi kite ye πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
seperti yg dah dijanjikan, i'll update about the various types of songkok.
i have do research about the different of the songkok among the Malaysia, Singapore,
Brunei and Indonesia.

this is songkok from Indonesia. they used a lot of batik motif.

Image result for songkok indonesia

Related image

this is songkok from Malaysia. they used a lot of velvet. 

Image result for songkok malaysia

this is songkok made from Johor country. the size is a more higher than 
normal size songkok.

Image result for songkok johor

this is songkok from Brunei. they used like quilting decoration.

Image result for songkok brunei

this is songkok from Singapore. they used the decoration like weaving motif. i have see my cousin's songkok.

Image result for songkok singapore

Saturday 8 April 2017



hye uols.. i'm here again 😁
last friday, i went to my organization site 🏀

in front of the organization πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

later, i'll update about the different of the songkok. see u soon guys 😻😻

Friday 31 March 2017


Assalamualaikum 😎😎

Songkok is a traditional headgear worn by Malay men πŸ‘¦πŸ‘¨ in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Brunei. 

Image result for kedai jual songkok di banting

This headgear is worn by Muslimin  πŸ‘¨πŸ‘¦ while attending a prayer at the mosque, at religious event as well as celebration such as Hari Raya Haji and Hari Raya Puasa.

Image result for songkok hari raya

this is the example of songkok for worn by men in Hari Raya 😁😁

Saturday 18 March 2017


after i looking for my organization, we take a rest at cendol stall near the Arked Tam. fuhhhh, legaa.. haha πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

each cup only cost rm1.50 only πŸ˜‹

thanks pakcik for the nyummy cendol πŸ˜€


i choose the 'songkok' handmade by Arked Tam as my assignment project place. buttt, unfortunately, the shop was closed on that day 😒😧

lookk 😭😭 the roller shutter was closed... huaaaa 😬

i have called the employer, but no answer. sob sob...

so, i decided to go to my friend organization😁


Assalamualaikum, hyeeee 😁 yeaay, today i go to doing research 🚘 i go with my friend. nahhh, this is my activity on my way to the research place πŸ˜‰

 just take the picture cause too bored while reached to the my friend organization

naaaa, beautiful scenery 😍 sunsett 🌞 on the way to going back to the U πŸ˜ƒ

Friday 10 March 2017


Assalamualaikum. hye bloggers 😁 today i want to intoduce you about my faculty. Because i'm too bored while waiting for class. hehe. 
As you know, i studying at UiTM Shah Alam's campus. My campus is located at Shah Alam's city in Seksyen 1. See the picture below ⬇⬇.

                            I took this picture during return back to campus from Seksyen 2.

 My faculty is located at Jalan Ilmu 1/1. Let me show you all my faculty. It is a huge building and a unique building. Look this πŸ”»πŸ”» Legend isn't. hehe πŸ˜€

that all for today. See you guys 😎

Thursday 9 March 2017


first of all, Assalamualaikum. hihi 😊 hye guys, let me give you an introduction about myself. my name is Nur Suria binti Musa and i come from Johor. I'm 22 years old and studying at Universiti Teknologi Mara, Shah Alam's campus
This blog is for my assignment project txd569 which mean textile apprenticeship. hehe ✌ so i need all of you to support me πŸ’‹ if there have a mistake, please tell me in the comment section. thank you guys. see you in the next story πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹