Saturday 22 April 2017



how are you guys? long time i didn't updated this blog.. heheh

for this post, i want to show u the process to make songkok with Encik Sharial.

this is the first step. start with cutting the pattern of songkok.

after that, Encik Sharial sewn the straight pieces to make a base songkok.

then, Encik Sharial cut the pieces of pattern into a oval shape for the top of songkok.

and then, he combine the top of songkok to the base of songkok.

when the body of songkok is done, Encik Sharial cut the balck velvet
 to cover all the songkok.

this is the process to cut the velvet fabric.

the lastttt step is to make two holes on the top of songkok. and it done!

such as amazing process you know!! 😱😱

okeyyy guys. that all for today. see u in the next post.


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